Running Machine – Sam Mcgilp and Harrison Hall

Filming: Takeshi Kondo, Kazuhiko Hiwa and Sam Mcgilp
Editing: Sam Mcgilp

11 CAMs multi angles

Running Machine is an interdisciplinary performance created by Yuiko Masukawa, Sam Mcgilp, Harrison Hall, Makoto Uemura and Kazuhiko Hiwa with Geoffrey Watson.

It was first presented at Arts House, Melbourne as part of Bleed Festival.

Supported by the Australia Council for the Arts, Dancehouse’s On Residence Program and Creative Victoria.

Busy busy busy. From the simple act of walking to strenuous physical labour, audience and artists gather to build… something… in this dynamic collaboration between Australian and Japanese artists.

The human body is the raw material from which immersive digital spaces are formed, as performers build and rebuild physical and projected sculptures. Bringing a digital body into existence is a kind of birth we’ve yet to fully understand: what is digital labour, and who’s labour is it??

Australian artists Yuiko Masukawa, Harrison Hall and Sam Mcgilp have collaborated with Japanese artists Kazuhiko Hiwa and Makoto Uemura across languages and borders, to create a multi-modal work arising from their expertise across performance, design, sculpture and media art. Originally developed in Fujiyoshida, Japan, Running Machine invites us to be active in designing the future of our own experience – a celebration of a hybrid world that could be more equal than the one in which we currently reside.

Date: 2022 Nov Client: Sam Mcgilp and Harrison Hall Skills: Art Documentation Website: